Friday, October 1, 2010

America's Best: Soy Bean Harvest Time

Weather conditions are perfect. Low humidity, nice temperatures and no wind all make for ideal conditions for harvesting soy beans in 42N country - the American Midwest. This harvester in central Iowa blows out the stubble as it gets in position to harvest another swath of beans.

Once the harvester begins working a section a wagon keeps pace to receive the product of the 2010 harvest.

Once full, the wagon re-positions itself next to a semi-truck trailer and offloads the beans. Leaving the fields the truck transports the beans to buying stations around the local area for testing and eventual further distribution to the world's food processors and other manufacturers needing the soy product.

Its a fascinating process to watch - even into the night. Many fields light up with this equipment as the growers want to take advantage of weather, price, or other condition to make the most of their season's work. Know that.

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