Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pasture Drama for a Little Calf

Last evening in a pasture near Coggon, Iowa a small herd of cattle grazed on late June grasses surrounded by corn fields. This little calf (center) walked away from its mother (right) near this spot. The curious calf jumped up and ran around in circles eventually flushing a nesting red-winged blackbird. Being very territorial, the bird swooped and started harassing the calf. The calf ran away and began to cry out, baaaa-maaaa. "Mom" hurried over and stared down the drive-bombing bird while the calf nestled next to mom's protective cover. After the bird flew off, the brave calf emerged and reclaimed his hard won pasture spot. Know that.

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Even cow kids need their mommies :) Love the photo, too, btw; the colors are beautiful.
